Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Project Boxy Paper Prototype 03 - Boxkenstein

Boxkenstein is a monster crafted from paper parts. :o Like his namesake Frankenstein, he's really just misunderstood, and terribly scared of fire. :o

This Boxkenstein Prototype was produced as one of three designs for NTU's WKWSCI and its Perspectives Film Festival 2009 from 22 to 24 October. Again, this design is NOT final.

The completed design will be made available online and distributed digitally as part of the Festival's marketing efforts.

Project Boxy Paper Prototype 02 - Boxferatu

Boxferatu wants to suck your blood! :o This Boxy papercraft toy plays on iconic vampire tropes, and features the black cape with red frills, pointy fangs, and bat motif.

This Boxferatu Prototype was produced as one of three designs for NTU's WKWSCI and its Perspectives Film Festival 2009 from 22 to 24 October. Again, this design is NOT final.

The completed design will be made available online and distributed digitally as part of the Festival's marketing efforts.

Project Boxy Paper Prototype 01 - Boxzilla

RAWR! Here comes Boxzilla!

The Boxzilla Prototype was produced as one of three designs for NTU's WKWSCI and its Perspectives Film Festival 2009 from 22 to 24 October. This design is NOT final.

The completed design will be printed on ZoCards and distributed around Singapore as part of the Festival's marketing efforts.

Project Boxy

Boxy Pronunciation: \ˈbäk-sē\ Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): box·i·er; box·i·est Date: circa 1861 : resembling a box - The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Project Boxy is a collective of papercraft toys and free to download templates designed by Jason Koh and Joey Lim using a standard 1.5 inch cube template.

The name Boxy was chosen because each papercraft toy resembled a box, and with slight modification, could even be used as such. Boxy papercraft toys are also functional, modular and stackable due to their shape.

Each month, we will be producing a new series of four different designs, with one design each week. As we improve and streamline our Boxy basic template, we will also make these available for download so you can make your own Boxy papercraft toy too.

Project Boxy's July range features prototypes designed exclusively for Nanyang Technological University's Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information and its monster themed Perspectives Film Festival 2009 which will take place from the 22nd to 24th October this year, as well as other popular monsters from film and fiction.

Stay tuned for more Boxy updates in the days to come!